Death From Above, Marathon 2 edition. By Elliott Gray. (AOL: Gecko X)
Summary: Hand grenades and gravity boots. Your a flying death machine executing your pitiful ground bound enemies.
REQUIRED Marathon Description:
Game Type : MARATHON by Bungie Software
Version(s) Supported : 2 (Durandal)
File Type (choose one) : Physics Model
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes, untested
Network 2-8 Player : Yes, untested
Number of Teams in Game : 1 - 8
Difficulty Level : Any
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
* Construction *
Base : None
Editor(s) used : Alchemist
Build time : 2-3 days
Known Bugs/Problems : none
The Story (Sort of..):
Here's a little quality Physics Model for Marathon 2. Death From Above (DFA, duh) changes your right punch (main trigger of the punch weapon) so that you throw semi-powerful grenades. And alters the game's physics so that when you RUN off ledges or cliffs, you start to fly (Gravity Boots!). From testing I think the grenades damage a normal player about a quarter energy. The grenades are thrown just far enough so you can throw grenades off ledges. Also, they won't damage you if your standing still and throw one.
Flying works like this: Hold your RUN key down (I recommend you just set the run key to caps lock), which activates the gravity boots, and run off some sort of ledge or cliff, and you start to fly. If you want to stop flying, simply let go off the run key (Which deactivates your boots) and you will descend to the ground (Tip: Turn off and on your gravity boots in the air for spectacular swoops which will cause screams from fellow net players :::giggle:::).
Why is it called Death From Above? Simple. Start flying (backwards for better aiming) and maneuver yourself over your target via radar. Once in position, fire your grenades and watch as your little raindrops of death claim their victims. Heheheh...
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